A (22 Things about me)
June 03, 2017- I really love cheese! Who doesn't love cheese ritee?
- My favorites all the time colour is blue! Blue is calm and deep
- I am addicted to Korean drama, current waetching: Chicago Typewritter and Tunnel
- I can't ride a bicycle and also motorcycle
- I really like walking to just relaxing my mind or needs some air
- Suka unconsius sendiri jadinya sering lupaan
- I hate papaya, iuwh it's smell like trash and also eggyolk (apalagi setengah matang)
- My dream is to be happy for me, mom and everyone that i love :) and also build a public school Amin
- My favorite fashion all the time: denim and jacket
- I love to sing recent one was When we were young-Adele (not as a pro)
- I don’t mind paying extra money to eat good, quality food
- Having love and hate situation with yellow :)
- I think i'm mature enough to face my problems
- 1975 and the kooks always be my favorite :)
- Dulu sering banget nonton tv sampe addict banget sekarang gak pernah nonton tv
- I am addicted with Line Today (Thank you Line Indonesia you save me)
- I really love read, I wish my home have a big library
- I believe that there's good things will happen after a bad moment
- I hate traffice-jams! Lelah kaki rasanya kalau nyetir mobil
- Public transportation lovers (especially go-jek dan sebangsanya, krl)
- I love vegetables (apalagi pare tumis, sayur pepaya, pecel ada bunga turi, dan pete)
- I love my bags and ethnic things in my closet
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